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I am running Warp 4 using CDRecord to make data CD's. I have been successful in
the past but recently have encountered the following error message when trying setup
the image file: The file *** could not be processed due to lack of space at the target
disk. Please indicated whether to retry this operation or to cancel the processing of this
The item in question contains 111 files (photos) for a total of 138,544,363 bytes.
The various partitions have available the following FREE space:
C: 29,755.5K - OS/2 partition
F: 2,926,985K-CDRecord program on this partition
G: 4,140,628K - location of file
H: 1,536,972.5K
Available Memory: 469,896K
Swap: 2,048K
WorkFree: 444,435.5K
I have tried to create image file on the other partitions but no luck.
Any help or suggestions would be most welcome.
Louis W. Pinckert, S.M.
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