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I use a similar system to what Ray described. In my case, I use CRU DataPort
hardware; a bit pricey, but there are less expensive alternatives. Basically,
the system consists of a "frame" that installs in an open drive bay (a 5.25"
bay in my case). The drive cable and power feed connect to this frame. The
other half of the system is a "cartridge" that slides into the frame. The
drive is mounted inside the cartridge and connects to cabling contained within
the cartridge. The cartridge plugs into the frame, completing the system. You
can get a feel for this sort of system by going to:
In my case, I don't really treat the cartridges as removable media. That is, I
don't try to "hot swap" cartridges. I suspect the system would rebel should I
do so. And, it isn't really necessary. At the moment, I have a 20gb drive
cartridge running and I have two spares. I use BackAgain/2 Pro (haven't
upgraded to BackAgain 2000) and I am able to keep two or three generations of
each partition. My maintenance partition exists primarily to service this
system. Works for me.
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