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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
Here is a listing of all the files in my C:\EEEnhanced_Editor directory
and subdirectories:
5/24/01 12:07p 634 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\click.wav
5/24/01 12:07p 590 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\click1.wav
5/24/01 12:07p 634 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\click2.wav
5/24/01 12:07p 634 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\click3.wav
5/24/01 12:07p 644 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\click4.wav
5/24/01 12:07p 57710 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\ee.exe
6/14/02 2:04p 86 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\EE.ini
5/24/01 12:07p 397550 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\eee.exe
5/24/01 12:07p 105153 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\eee.hlp
6/14/02 2:04p 233 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\eee.hst
6/14/02 2:04p 152 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\eee.ini
2/15/97 2:05p 26 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\EEE.KEY
5/24/01 12:07p 84001 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\encrypt.dll
12/09/99 8:56a 36302 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Enhanced.bmp
5/24/01 12:07p 1351 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Enhanced.txt
5/24/01 12:07p 766 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\file_id.diz
5/24/01 12:10p 1195 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Install.dat
5/24/01 12:10p 246598 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Install.exe
6/01/01 7:12p 1816 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Install.log
5/24/01 12:07p 219 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\LCaseAll.plg
5/24/01 12:07p 336 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\LCaseSel.plg
5/24/01 12:07p 281 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Length.plg
5/24/01 12:07p 6129 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\order.frm
5/24/01 12:07p 3356 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Plugin.api
5/24/01 12:07p 7023 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\PostPlug.cmd
5/24/01 12:07p 754 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\PrePlug.cmd
6/14/02 2:04p 2267 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Profile
5/24/01 12:07p 40489 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\pscrypt.dll
5/24/01 12:07p 16794 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Psoft.bmp
3/25/97 2:57p 2640 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\READ.ME
5/24/01 12:07p 962 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Readme2.txt
6/01/01 7:19p 432 -----
5/24/01 12:07p 2784 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\rebuild.cmd
5/24/01 12:07p 68943 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\RxExtras.dll
5/24/01 12:07p 4253 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Sample.plg
6/14/02 2:07p 71229 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\SearchProfile
5/24/01 12:07p 685 -----
5/24/01 12:07p 11177 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\spell_ok.wav
5/24/01 12:07p 820 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\SwapChar.plg
5/24/01 12:07p 2565 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\Txt2Html.plg
5/24/01 12:07p 161 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\UCaseAll.plg
5/24/01 12:07p 281 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\UCaseSel.plg
6/01/01 7:12p 2753 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\UnInstal.cmd
5/24/01 12:07p 192510 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\VPRexx.dll
5/24/01 12:07p 153775 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\VPRptdll.dll
5/24/01 12:07p 5858 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\
5/24/01 12:07p 47823 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\VPUtil.dll
5/24/01 12:07p 782 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\_ReadMe1.txt
5/24/01 12:07p 819 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\_ReadMe2.txt
5/24/01 12:07p 90 ----- C:\EEEnhanced_Editor\_ReadMe3.txt
6/10/01 11:04a 1631 -----
5/31/01 5:57p 880615 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 782 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 819 -----
2/18/02 7:30p 502 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 90 -----
2/23/02 8:32a 2341 -----
2/19/02 5:37a 460 -----
2/19/02 5:36a 460 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 219 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 336 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 281 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 3356 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 4253 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 685 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 820 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 2565 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 161 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 281 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
4/10/01 3:45p 3439 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 590 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 634 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 634 -----
6/01/01 7:12p 644 -----
As I stated before, I created all the files in the ClipText
subdirectory. Also, I created the Archives directory and placed the
original Enhanced Editor archived zip file from BMT there, along with
the zipped Enhanced Editor registration key file from Wayne Swanson
I'm "fairly certain" that all the other files are from the Enhanced
Editor installation.
______________________________________________________________________________ wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> In <>, on 07/04/2002
> at 05:19 PM, Harry Chris Motin said:
> >Odd, very odd. My copy of EE and EEE has an executable for installing,
> >not a REXX script (Install.exe, 246,784 bytes). Are you sure you have a
> >Install.cmd file?
> >Just for comparison, enclosed please find a copy of my install.log file.
> >Jack can use it to compare against his result.
> >HCM
> >______________________________________________________________________________
> >Steven Levine wrote:
> >>
> >> =====================================================
> >> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> >> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> >> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> >> =====================================================
> >>
> >> In <>, on 07/04/02
> >> at 03:07 PM, Harry Chris Motin said:
> >>
> >> Harry,
> >>
> >> How good it EE's INSTALL.CMD at error checking? Perhaps it's report files
> >> as copied when the truth lies elsewhere.
> >>
> >> Steven
> >>
> >> --
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.31a #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4
> >> #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> Harry,
> I used the uninstall.cmd to remove EEE after the screwed up installation.
> I think there were a lot of SYS 2002 File not found messages. ( I didn't
> use more and have lost pmrexx scrollcmd.cmd when I fried my hard drives).
> Then I installed again using install.cmd which I used before. Things now
> get "curioser and curioser" as someone said.
> The log from my first, unsuccessful installation, your log and the log
> from my successful installation (I think; I haven't tried the program) are
> *identical*. All three of them report *all files except the dll's* went
> into C:\EEE. None of them report any files being placed in a
> sub-directory.
> After my second installation, there are the same number of files in
> sub-directories (except for Clip Text) as you said you have. But I have
> only 19 files in C:\EEE (no dll's) compared to the 40 or so you indicated
> you have; 3 in C:\EEE\ClipText; 10 in C:EEE\PLugins; 9 in C:\EEE\Printer;
> and 4 in C:\EEE\Sound. That makes a total of 45 program files.
> To top the curios aspects of the whole situation off when I counted the
> files in my two installation logs and yours, the numbers were
> identical--31 program files and 5 dll's. And the file and dll names were
> identical.
> Then I found the some possible reasons for the difference. In the source
> directory there are two cmd files (postplug.cmd and preplug.cmd) and two
> zip files ( and But I still don't see why you have
> more files in C:\EEE than I do.
> Jack
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> =====================================================
> To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
> to "". In the body of the message,
> put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
> For problems, contact the list owner at
> "".
> =====================================================
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