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> >If what I'm experiencing in ECS happens to be something _other than_ a
> >kernel issue, not much sense in bringing it to Scott G. or Serenity.
> >(Usenet or Yahoo groups may be another matter.) And trying other
> >kernels, such as the earlier ones, back to ECS GA, won't make much of a
> >difference, either.
Steven replied:
> Well, my view is that posting a generic message (i.e. not specifically to
> Scott) to comp.os.os2.bugs with a short description of the failure (the
> one you provided is fine) and the trap screen content might be useful.
> You'll reach a larger group and someone might recognize the problem.
> Clearly it's related to some combination of the hardware and software you
> have installed, but it's going to take a bit more than this to get it
> resolved.
> Since the problem does appear to be specific to eCS and your Warp4
> installs are fine, posting to the eCS install support newsgroup is
> entirely appropriate.
Yes, I'll take this to both newsgroups, particularly the one for eCS. I'd like to run a couple
more tests first, though. I started here because it's a congenial group, and one I know.
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