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eyeleica replied to HCM:
> How about looking around for an old IBM clicker keyboard, Model M. They
> are always in high demand and work great, I might add.
If that's the one that came with the old IBM-AT, it was a rather good one. This is just a personal bias, but
I've always been extremely particular about the keyboards I use -- esp. regarding key layout, key feel, and
overall durability. Can't stand the cheap flimsy ones. My all-time fave was the Northgate Omni series.
There is a latter day successor to their great 102 model, marketed by another Co. but closely based on the
same design and highly programmable, called the Avant Stellar. It is expensive, though.
Some of the MaxiSwitch keyboards were pretty good too, at a considerably lower price than the Avant, though
nothing close to one of those cheapo ones from Fry's etc.
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