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I knew about the /s. That answers the or not part of my question. I
did not use the /s because I do not like utilities messing with my
computer in the background.
I just noticed something. Using /c/w, all I saw on screen and in the
log file was the check category boxes. You had me run /s/w, no /c.
That produced individual check lines. Abstract objects stopped at
DMIPM. Now that it runs clean, abstract objects takes several seconds
to run with /w. With /c/w, it instantly jumps to the next category box,
like it skipped the check. I have been all the way thru checkini.txt
and I am still not sure what /c does.
Steven Levine wrote:
> >check abstract objects, press any key. But this last time it echoed the
> >lines as it checked so I had the clue about DMIPM. Is there a way to
> >force it to echo or not?
> See checkini.txt for the option descriptions. /s will suppress the screen
> output.
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