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I autostart lprportd on all networked systems to use a printer on an SMC
printserver, and this works well. But, when shutting down I get a
message about a session that may be active, "are you sure you want to
end it?" which requires a key press or mouse click before shutdown will
continue. eCS included a shutdown enhancer that would enable running a
program on shutdown, and I've been looking, so far with no success, for
a way to write a cmd file to stop lprportd as a way to simplify shutting
down. tcpstart.cmd calls a program toggle.exe, but I have no idea what
toggle does. I'd like to write a tcpstop.cmd. Or is there a better
Another, probably naive question: What is the tcp/ip startup object in
the startup folder? Looking at its properties I see that it represents
tcpstart.cmd, but it's not a shadow and doesn't seem to be a copy of
tcpstart.cmd as right mouse on it doesn't offer the option of opening it
in a text editor as does the tcpstart.cmd in tcpip\bin.
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