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>The 7004ABR is very different from the BR version. I have one of each.
>I like the browser interface of the BR better than the ABR but the ABR
>has additional features. Also, the firmware for the BR is no longer
>being upgraded. One cool ABR feature is auto-sensing ports. If you
>drive the ABR from a hub, a crossover cable in not needed. That is what
>I do. My BR is my cable firewall/print server/DHCP server. The ABR is
>connected to the BR and serves as another print server only.
Thanks for the information, I didn't realize the differences. It sounds
like this is going to be an improvement over the Linksys -- I am looking
forward to trying it out.
>1. The default IP address of the ABR is (Steve C. gave you
>the default for the BR version).
>2. If you are using Netscape then you must tack :88 to the IP address
>( or the ABR won't respond. This is a known bug. I have
>the latest firmware upgrade and it is not fixed.
>3. If you use the print server function the printer name is lpt1. For
>the BR it is lp. This info is in the documentation on the CD only and is
>hard to find (under Unix iirc) and is incorrect. I discovered that lp
>was wrong for the ABR by trial and error after a trip to SMC in Irvine
>for an exchange which didn't fix the no printing problem.
These are good tips -- thanks very much.
My printer needs an adapter (to plug into the usb port) before it can be
used as a server. Maybe some day I will get the adapter and check it out.
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