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I've been happy with my SMC 7004BR with 4-port switch and print server.
The print server got me started in network printing and now I've got
two more eternal print servers. There's a newer model out, the 7004ABR,
which has somewhat different internals. Peter Skye might have some
info on how they're different.
I've heard that the LinkSys doesn't like any version of Netscape,
but I have no experience there.
PriceWatch shows the D Link and Addtron at the bottom end of the
price range (~$50-$70). The LinkSys has a LOT of listings there.
On 01/03/02 , Sandy Shapiro wrote, in part:
>My LinkSys Cable/DSL Router with 4 port switch, has a bad port.
> ... I think I will wait and pick up a second one before
>sending it back. Then when this one comes back, I will have a spare.
>So my question is this:
>Should I get another Linksys, or is there another brand that is better?
>I would appreciate knowing what experience others who use OS/2 have had
>with this kind of product. Originally Linksys was the most popular, but I
>suspect there are other brands available now.
>Thanks, Sandy
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