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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
I just got back home. Yes, the compiler and linker now work for creating
16-bit OS/2 apps, after changing the reference in
C:\WATCOM\BINW\wlsystem.lnk from os2.lib to os2286.lib. It works using
the commandline and the IDE. Thanks for the help.
We can have this discussion another time, but frankly, once you told me
what was wrong, and that I could edit a file to change the options used
by the linker and compiler, I had to find out where that file was.
Notice that Watcom only references the word, "os2.lib", 3 places, 2 of
which are an *.inf and a *.hlp file. The references in those 2 files do
not give any information about editing and updating a configuration
file. Short of having super natural powers I don't know any other method
to (by myself) figure out which file I should edit. But ..., this is one
man's opinion!
Steven Levine wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> In <>, on 01/17/02
> at 05:17 AM, Harry Chris Motin said:
> >I take it that there is some better way to find out where "os2.lib" is
> >referenced other than doing a file scan?? Please elucidate! Also, what's
> The problem is, it's inconclusive. The files that reference it would
> typically be binary (object files or linked executables). The extension
> might be omitted. Most of the hits would be noise or, as you found,
> self-referential.
> A better solution is to understand why the file existed and how it was
> used. Then it becomes much easier to under what needs to be adjusted.
> BTW, did you get the 16-bitter to link?
> Steven
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.30a #10183 Warp4/FP15
> #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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