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If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
For each partition that you are backing up (C:\, D:\, E:\, F: and G:\) I
would put in a value equal to the increase in the corresponding *.dat
file each time you back up (plus a little more for a reserve).
That is what those numbers on lines 31-35 mean. If you can get 10
backups of your C:\ partition into cfull.dat before it reaches 2.1GB,
then the number on line 31 should be 1/10 of 2.1GB (= 2254857830/10 =
225485783). Then I would add just a little more to it to be sure of not
inadvertently overrunning during any backup. Therefore, the number on
line 31 might be 248034361, which is an increase of 10% over the
225485783 number.
This is what's happening where, if you put 248034361 on line 31.
Everytime you backup C:\, the REXX script looks at your cfull.dat file
on H;\ (cfull.dat is the current file you are using to backup C:\). It
looks at the present size, in bytes, of that file and adds 248034361 to
that number. Now, if that addition results in a number that is bigger
than 2.1GB, that is if it results in a number bigger than 2254857830, it
warns you that you do not have enough room for another backup in that
file. It asks you to name another file to hold your backup. Of course
this file that you will name is new; it does not exist yet; clback will
create it for you and place this next backup in it.
All of this happens on line 212 of the script. That line reads:
EstimatedReserve = MaxHPFSFileSize - (FoundSize.BackupNumber + MaxSize)
Now, if you put 2254857830 on line 31 (= 2.1GB), what that does is make
the REXX program tell you that your currently existing backup file,
cfull.dat in this example, is already too big and cannot hold another
backup. You will only be able to get one backup in each *.dat file. You
will have to name a new *.dat file to hold your backup every time. Is
that what you want?
I suggest you place on lines 31-35 the maximum size of each individual
backup for C:\, D:\, E:\, F:\ and G:\, respectively. If you can get 7
backups of E:\ in a *.dat file before it reaches the 2.1GB limit, then
the number on line 33 should be at least 322122547 (= 2.1GB/7). And I
would increase it a little more for safety
Sandy Shapiro wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> I>I cannot implement it right now, however. In the meantime did you edit
> >lines 31-35 to include the size of the 5 backups you now make?
> Yes, otherwise it wouldn't work. The default value was 0.
> I have found that the larger the size that I put in, the better the script
> works. I have now put the maximum, 2.1 gb, for each partition. And so far,
> that seems to work.
> Any reason not to do it this way?
> Sandy
> =====================================================
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