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Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2002 19:55:53 PST7
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Xerox C-20 Printer

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

To anyone who may be interested:

You have another chance to purchase a Xerox C-20 printer (used,
said to be in very
good condition), at

at what is at this moment a dirt cheap price, although it may
well not be at that level
by the close of auction. I was going to bid on this for someone
else, who concluded
that it was too large for the intended space in their office.

This is a wide carriage color inkjet printer -- actually a
LexMark Optra 45 inside a
superior housing, with various added features. I already have
one, and it is the
best *general purpose* inkjet I've seen to date. Quiet and
reasonably fast, with very
good paper handling. (But if color photos are your main interest
in an inkjet, you'd
be better off with an Epson.) They can accept either a Xerox or
a LexMark cartridge.
There are good drivers -- PostScript, which is built-in but
requires that you add
printer memory to really take advantage of PS printing, and also
PCL, which does
not -- available for OS/2. For these printers, the printhead is
in each cartridge, so it
is one less thing to worry about.

Tony could better tell you what these cost when they were new on
the market. I'm
guessing it was a few hundred. As a bidding guide, I bought one
new (leftover stock)
on Ebay, about a year ago, for around $115. plus shipping.
AFAIK, these turn up
for auction infrequently these days, and nearly always only Used.

The auction ends 4/23.



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