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Date: Wed, 26 Sep 2001 10:42:05 PDT
From: Steve Carter < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: What make ram for OS/2?

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Now is a great time to increase your RAM. When updating my K6 machines,
I chose to abandon 72-pin SIMMS altogether and use only 168-pin DIMMs.
One DIMM slot is usually shared with the SIMM slots, so you may have
to make a choice regardless. Micron is another good supplier of
quality memory. In any case, more _IS_ better. 128MB seems like a
reasonable lower limit, given today's prices.

The size of the L2 cache may determine how much RAM can be cached.
For example, my 1MB cache (Windows) machine caches only 256MB of RAM,
although 384MB is installed.

I've read that OS/2 uses memory from the top down, so more RAM
memory (than what can be cached) might not be as effectively utilized.
My 512MB OS/2 machine has a 2MB L2 cache and presumably caches at
least twice as much as the Windows machine. I believe in a LARGE L2
cache, and pay extra for it. Code sizes are continuously increasing,
and I want my computers to last for several years before upgrading
the MB/processor.

Perhaps Steven Levine would comment on L2 cache size vs cacheable RAM
and OS/2 memory utilization/organization.


On 9/25/01 jack wrote, in part:
> ...
>I would appreciate comments on the suitability of Kingston,
>PNY, or any other brand of ram for use with Warp4 FP 15.


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