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Date: Wed, 5 Sep 2001 12:36:45 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: CD subdirectory/file names

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Steve Carter wrote:
> the later versions of CDFS.IFS claim to
> recognize the Microsoft Joliet CD naming
> conventions (longish filenames on CDs),
> which is probably what you're seeing.
> I've got CDFS.ZIP from 5/97 which makes this claim

Where are you looking? Where does it make this claim?

Steven Levine wrote:
> This sounds like a problem with the WinXX burner software.
> Warp can handle CD's with long file names (i.e.
> Joliett format) if cdfd.ifs is run with the /w
> option. However, Joliett format is not implemented
> the same way as the WinXX long filename, TTBOMK.

My CONFIG.SYS contains this line:


and I have

Directory of G:\OS2\BOOT
2-16-99 11:39a 45173 0 CDFS.IFS

When I type HELP CDFS and look at the CDFS.IFS online help there's no
mention of a /w option. Where are you looking?

Steven Levine wrote:
> >How do I get OS/2 to display and use
> >the full subdirectory and file names?
> With this CD, you don't. I would not be too surprised
> if the long names did not show up under WinXX either.

Steve Carter wrote:
> I'll wager that the CD was made with ISO 9660 filenames,
> and thus the longish Joliet (64 character) filenames
> were truncated. Thus, they're not on the CD at all.

How do I identify the CD's file system? Is there a Partition Type byte
I should look at? Is there a hidden file where the long filenames are
stored? Is there a utility which will tell me if the CD file system
"looks like" FAT, ISO 9660, Joliett ("Windows"?), or something else?
And where do I find the specs for these various CD "file systems"?

Steven Levine wrote:
> This sounds like a problem with the WinXX burner software.

Is there a different setting which should be used when Windows (I think
he has Win98) creates a CD so that the long filenames may be read by

The files are still on the studio's hard drive. I can have them make
new CDs if there's a different setting which should be used.

Thanks _very_ much, guys.

- Peter


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