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Date: Wed, 17 Oct 2001 07:48:30 PDT
From: Sheridan George < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: SMC box (Reply to Sheridan George)

Content Type: text/plain

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"J. R. Fox" wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> Sheridan George wrote:
> > I have (at the moment unused) a Linksys EPSX3. I worked
> without
> > fault on OS/2 once it was set up. Setup has to be done by a
> Win
> > machine. Because of that setup "feature" I'll be selling it as
> soon
> > as I get the time to get my second SMC 7004ABR working as a
> print
> > server. (I think I mentioned I bought the 7004ABR because at
> $50
> > ($99 less a $50 mail in rebate) it is the least costly print
> server
> > with browser setup and I get a "free" four port hub to boot.
> The
> > WAN/firewall part will simply go unused.)
> Are you saying that it is possible to connect in two of these
> units,
> thereby having the use of two separate print servers (just as if
> you
> added a dedicated HP, Digi, or whatever Print Server box), and
> being
> able to disregard the extra ports ? And nothing clashes ? If
> so,

Yes, that is what I'm saying. I do have the second SMC (the ABR one) connected to my LAN and it
responds to the browser for setup. It tells me whether the printer is on or off by reporting "printer
ready" or "printer not ready" but for some reason the printer is not printing. I may have done some
thing when I physically moved the printer because it was working when I had it connected to the
Linksys printserver. The other two printers on the LAN are working fine.

> I regret not having bought a 2nd. one of these units while they
> were
> on sale at Micro Centre, and in plentiful supply there. With
> that
> rebate in effect, this would likely be cheaper than buying
> another,
> separate Print Server box, with however many ports. (The terms
> of
> that rebate limited it to 2 units bought by a single purchaser.)


> > BTW, The ABR version has auto sensing so one does not need a
> > cross over cable to connect it to another hub/switch. I did
> try
> > that to see if it really worked. It does.
> Is that relevant for the example of a 2nd. SMC (if the answer to
> my
> query above is 'Yes'), or another added Print Server box ?

It is relevant any time one connects another hub to a hub unless the connection is made to the seconds
hub's uplink port. The SMCs do not have an uplink port.

It is not a concern if simply adding another print server to a hub/switch.

Here is my (convoluted) setup:

One of the 4 ports on the BR (my firewall SMC) goes to my computer, one to my wife's computer, one to
another room where a Macintosh and the other SMC (ABR) resides, and the last one goes to an 8-port
hub. The BR's printer port goes to my laser printer.

The 8-port hub goes to: a laptop computer, the Digi print server for the Xerox C20, my daughter's room
so she can connect her computer to the LAN when she's home from university, and a WinNT machine.

Two ports on the ABR SMC are used. One connects to the Mac and the another connects (back) to the BR
SMC. (This port to port connection of the two SMCs is where the auto-crossover feature is handy.) A
HP 855c connects to the printer port. (I have not had the time to learn enough about the Mac to get
it working on the net yet. That is another story.)



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