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Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 16:58:51 PDT
From: Steve Carter < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: SMC addressing

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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On 10/4/01, Ray Davison wrote, in part:
>Steve Carter wrote:
>> Now, I shut off EVERYTHING when I power down daily and let it
>> all restart. I leave NOTHING running when I'm away for the day.
>In what order do you power up?

Brute force. I just turn everything on at the same time.
And wait for the slowest thingie, the OS/2 box.

>> I've got fixed IP, so I KNOW where I'll be next time I start up.
>I thought fixed IP was no longer available. I activated automatic
>enable using DHCP. Would this effect your power down strategy?

With DHCP I'd be inclined to test, I think. But I would expect to
re-acquire a lease well within the time it takes to finish a cold start.
My ISP, VCNet in Camarillo uses fixed IP. No choice, I think.
Good, no ...., make that GREAT ISP. I got DSL rather than
slightly cheaper cable modem 'cause I wanted to keep VCNet,

>> Saves power, prevents intrusion (when off), and makes me happy(-er).
>> But when I power-down the SMC7004BR, the networked printer/FAX
>> hiccups -- a nuisance requiring me to press the printer reset button.
>You do not power down the printer?

Ah, astute comment! I leave the printer running because the FAX gizmo
(HP PrinterPal) hooks up to its parallel port. If I'm not printing
from the computer (through SMC router's print server), it's available
for FAX printing. Leaving a DeskJet printer and a FAX modem ON is
not a big electricity consumer. Someone might want to send me a
fax while I'm away. The last one I got was at 3am. But I asked for
it. Next time I'll be smarter (yeah, right!). FAX, printer and
answering machine is on a separate UPS, so I can ride through an
power outage of tens of minutes. Never timed it, but total power
usage is about 25W. Should be good for a half-hour to an hour,
even on the tired, old UPS battery.

I used to leave the entire computer running when I used the OS/2 FAX
application on dialup. But now with DSL and an electricity crunch
(does anyone still believe that?), I needed a lower-power, more secure
alternative. I found the HP PrinterPal at the TRW Swap Meet for
$20 a year or two ago. Fits my old DeskJet 550 like it was made
for it, which it actually was.



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