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Date: Thu, 4 Oct 2001 22:27:04 PDT
From: Michael Rakijas < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Printer driver anomaly

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Relatively simple question but a little tricky to describe. On one
machine, I have two printer objects defined for a network laser printer,
one has the Postscript driver and one has the PCL driver. The output
port to which the printer is connected is the MarkNet (Lexmark's network
printing software defined) port. No problem so far.

However, the printer driver page of the printer object behaves somewhat
strangely. The upper window of the page shows the available drivers
from which to select and the lower is labelled the "default printer
driver". It strangely shows both the Postscipt/PCL for the printer
object and the IBMNULL driver. Not only is it not at all clear which
one is truly active, the IBMNULL driver always intrudes even when it
shouldn't be involved in the operation. I select the postscript driver
and then only it will show in the lower window. I close the object and
reopen it and the IBMNULL driver is back in the lower window along with
the one previously selected and both are highlighted in the upper
window. This cycle could continue indefinitely and does not happen on
any other machine (since it is a network printer, the same object is
defined on many other machines). Anyone with any ideas on why is this
happening? This may be a problem because there have been a few isolated
incidences in which the printer has started to spit out many mostly
blank pages which I interpreted as it using the IBMNULL driver instead
of the PCL or Postscript that would have been called for. Thanks in



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