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Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 13:32:32 PDT
From: Steve Carter < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: Print Servers (SMC)

Content Type: text/plain

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I had not considered that I could have both fixed IP
and DHCP on the same subnet. It appears that this is
what you have done and it's working for you. Now that
I think about it, as long as the fixed IP addresses are
outside of the DHCP assignment range, but within the
subnet range, it should work, shouldn't it?

While it's OK for my computers to be assigned a dynamic
IP address, the print servers might be a different story.
I've set up my LPR application in both OS/2 and Win98
to point to the fixed IP addresses I've chosen for my
two print servers. The SMC address must remain fixed,
I think, but the Digi 3400x print server might be OK
if I can refer to it by name instead of IP address.

Is that how you're doing it?

I'm specifically NOT using the DLC/LLC Windows printing
utility that came with my Xerox C20/Digi 3400x. NT
handles TCP/IP printing natively, as does OS/2, so
in Win98 I'm instead happily using an IBM Windows TCP/IP
printing application (LPR) that I found at IBM Japan.


On 10/09/01, Sheridan George wrote, in part:
> ..
>My Digi 3400x came set w/o an IP but with DHCP enabled.
>When I printed the fact sheet per the instructions the
>reported IP was noted as being set by the server.
>When I checked the IP was in the address range I had
>established in the SMC.
>> ... I'm (still) using fixed IP right now.
>As am I. Everything is fixed except my WinNT box
>(I have less problems with NT with it on DHCP) and
>an experimental Digi 3400x setup. The Digi 3400x
>is back under DHCP at least for a while. I'm
>experimenting with it ...
>I have had no problems with the SMC so if the SMC
>DHCP/Digi 3400x/NC20 experiment works out (even if
>I have to go to the ABR as my cable modem/firewall/print
>server box) I'll be going to DHCP for all my
>machines. Then the only fixed IPs on the LAN will
>be the two SMCs themselves (there will be no DHCP
>server to serve them). >Sheridan


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