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Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2001 00:25:08 PDT
From: Steve Schiffman < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: TCP/IP Printserver search

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Message-ID: <>
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 23:51:56 -0700
From: Steve Schiffman
X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0 (OS/2; I)
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Re: TCP/IP Printserver search
References: <>
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Steve Carter wrote:
> For around $90, at I found the Kingston
> KNP103X 3-Port printserver which seems adequate, . . .

It should be noted that Kingston is no longer in the Network business.
They closed down that division when they determined it to be a commodity
business and not profitable. While there may be Kingston networking
products around, Kingston support is limited or not available any more.
They did have solid products. See the Kingston home page for the
disclaimer on the network products.

> There's a Linksys EPSX3 EtherFast 3-port 10/100 Print Server
> at $117 and a Linksys EFSP42, Etherfast 10/100BT, 2-Port Print Server
> at $126 (see, there is a 2-port model!)

I have the predecessor model to the above, the Linksys PPSX1, a one
printer port model. As Rocky states in his message, the print server
needs to be configured using IPX/SPX, the Novell Netware protocol. I
found that to get the configuration setup up I needed, it was best to
install the Linksys print server configuration software on a Win9x
system, (including installing the IPX/SPX protocol) and creating the
configuration that I wanted to use. For my local network, I use
NetBios/NetBeui, and the Linksys print server supports this protocol as
well as IPX/SPX, TCP/IP and Apple Talk. It does not support DLC/LLC that
the higher end HP print servers support.

Steve Carter made a great suggestion at the August Network Sig
presentation that I gave on IP printing. It was to write the IP address
and UNC names on the physical unit. This way, when you forget what
values you configured, all you have to do is turn the unit over and read
what they are. If you change the configuration, then remember to change
the values you have written/attached to the unit.

Steve Schiffman


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