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Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2001 17:38:42 PDT
From: Harry Chris Motin < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: IDE problem

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Yeah, stuff like that happens to me too!

When you first installed the new motherboard and booted to OS/2 did you
first, at the previous shutdown of OS/2, configure it to accept the new
hardware? You should have set the Hardware Manager to "Full Hardware
Detection" in its properties notebook (the Hardware Manager is in the
"System Setup" folder, which is in the "OS/2 System" folder on the
desktop). That way you can (should be able to) put your PCI cards in any
slot and it won't matter!


Sandy Shapiro wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> Ok -- I think I have it figured it out.
> When I changed motherboards, I didn't use the same PCI slots as before,
> and that caused a conflict with DANIATAP.FLT and the RSJ drivers. I could
> attach the CD-RW, but I couldn't access the CD Rom drive.
> I moved a PCI card from Slot 2 to Slot 3, and everything became OK.
> Sorry for the confusion about IDE connections. I have two hard drives,
> both on the primary IDE connector, one master and one slave.
> I have one CD-RW drive always on the secondary IDE connector (first as
> slave, now as master -- that didn't seem to make any difference.
> The new motherboard has two sets of IDE connectors: Ultra DMA 100, and
> regular.
> So -- I have the two hard drives on the ULTRA DMA 100 PRIMARY connector,
> and I have the CD-RW drive on the the Regular IDE SECONDARY connector.
> The Dani driver lets me use one CD-RW drive as either a CD Rom drive or as
> a CD Burner (if anyone wants to know the drive parameters I use, let me
> know).
> Now OS/2 is happy and Windows is happy, and I can even boot from the CD
> Rom drive.
> I haven't done a thorough testing yet, but I don't anticipate any more
> problems. I find this DMA business and IRQ stuff very confusing.
> Thanks for all the help.
> Sometimes after I post a question, I will wake up in the middle of the
> night and think, "Maybe its the PCI slots!" Then I have to wait all day
> until I get a chance to play around and see what happens.
> Sandy
> >Sandy,
> >I have several questions. When you say:
> >If I connect the secondary cable, with the CD-RW, on the Ultra ATA 100
> >IDE
> >> connector, I can see the CD Rom drive in OS/2, but I then cannot see it in
> >> Windows, and I cannot boot from the CD Rom.
> >What exactly do you mean by I can see it in OS/2? Can you boot to an OS/2
> >desktop, using that setup? If so, can you insert a CDROM, double click on
> >the CDROM drive object on the desktop and read files that are on the
> >CDROM? The way I am reading this is that you attached the CD-RW drive as
> >a master to the Ultra ATA 100 MB connector and you attached your 2 hard
> >drive units as master and slave to the Secondary IDE connector. Then, you
> >booted from the master hard drive attached to the secondary IDE
> >connector. And the reason you cannot boot from the CD-RW, using this
> >setup, is because your motherboard (MB) does not support it. Am I right?
> >If not, what exactly is your setup here? Please specify the following,
> >below:
> > Ultra ATA 100 MB connector: Master IDE drive unit? Slave IDE drive
> >unit?
> > Secondary IDE MB connector: Master IDE drive unit? Slave IDE drive
> >unit?
> >Similarly, when you say:
> >If I connect the cable to the other secondary IDE connector (not the
> >Ultra
> >> 100), I lose it in OS/2 but can then see it in Windows and can boot from
> >> it.
> >What exactly is your setup here?:
> > Ultra ATA 100 MB connector: Master IDE drive unit? Slave IDE drive
> >unit?
> > Secondary IDE MB connector: Master IDE drive unit? Slave IDE drive
> >unit?
> >Harry Motin
> >_______________________________________________________________________________________________
> >Sandy Shapiro wrote:
> >>
> >> =====================================================
> >> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> >> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> >> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> >> =====================================================
> >>
> >> >You said you have 2 drives on the primary and the CD as slave on
> >> >secondary. You didn't say if you have a master on that channel, but you
> >> >need to have a master before you attach a slave. If I'm reading you
> >> >right, changing the CD to master might straighten things out.
> >>
> >> Thanks, Dave.
> >>
> >> I changed the CD-RW from slave to master (on the 2nd ide channel). That
> >> now allows me to boot up OS/2 from the standard IDE connector as well as
> >> the Ultra 100 IDE connector. However, I still cannot see the CD Rom drive
> >> in OS/2
> >>
> >> Here is what I can do:
> >> If I connect the secondary cable, with the CD-RW, on the Ultra ATA 100 IDE
> >> connector, I can see the CD Rom drive in OS/2, but I then cannot see it in
> >> Windows, and I cannot boot from the CD Rom.
> >>
> >> If I connect the cable to the other secondary IDE connector (not the Ultra
> >> 100), I lose it in OS/2 but can then see it in Windows and can boot from
> >> it.
> >>
> >> There must be some way to force OS/2 to see the CD-Rom drive when it is
> >> connected to the regular (not the ATA 100) connector. Something is CMOS
> >> maybe?
> >>
> >> Thanks,
> >> Sandy
> >>
> >> =====================================================
> >>
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> >> to "". In the body of the message,
> >> put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
> >>
> >> For problems, contact the list owner at
> >> "".
> >>
> >> =====================================================
> >=====================================================
> >To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
> >to "". In the body of the message,
> >put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
> >For problems, contact the list owner at
> >"".
> >=====================================================
> =====================================================
> To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
> to "". In the body of the message,
> put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
> For problems, contact the list owner at
> "".
> =====================================================


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