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Date: Sat, 26 May 2001 12:00:02 PDT
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: System Commander, ECS, etc.

Content Type: text/plain

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from Steven Levine:

> Any solution to works is a good solution. System Commander is fine > unless you decide to update to MCP or eCS.

Peter Skye responded:

> I use System Commander. Why won't it work with MCP or eCS?

I am also a longtime user of System Commander (an older version,
before they started adding Partition Magic - like features and
other stuff to the package), so if this is correct it would be
very bad news for my multiboot system. I planned to add ECS at
some point after receiving the GA release, which hasn't turned up

While I'm at it, thought I might tack on another question.
Several months ago at a meeting, Steven told me that I wouldn't
want to have an existing Warp 3 or 4 serving as a Maintenance
Partition for an ECS one -- or vice-versa -- but there wasn't
time for him to elaborate as to Why. Back when I put in Warp 4,
I turned the prior Warp 3 partition into my Maintenance
Partition, which has worked out rather well these last few
years. I found that I preferred having a very well-equipped Warp
Maint. Prt'n. over a barebones one. Anyway, I don't presently
plan to implement JFS, because (with the notable exception of NT,
the only Win on this box), I like to have everything able to see
and access
everything else -- esp. within the various Warps. JFS would mess
that scheme up, and doesn't offer enough of an offset to me at
this time. I would also avoid doing any Service across different
Warp kernels.

Maybe this continuity with the prior setup will turn out to be
overcomplicated and problemmatic, but I'd like to try it. (ECS
would be going into an empty logical partition on the 2nd. hard
drive.) For Maintenance purposes, all I have needed thus far is
the ability to run AUTOCHECK against other Warp partitions at
bootup, or, rarely,
a manual CHKDSK /F, and to be able to access and replace specific
files in another partition. Is there any reason this will no
longer be possible or advisable, once ECS is added to the mix ?



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