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Date: Wed, 9 May 2001 19:16:56 PDT
From: Harry Chris Motin < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Big...Huge problem

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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What you have sounds like a tough problem. I do not know if I can help.
However, I would try to isolate the problem a little bit more.

I would take the cover off the computer and confirm which HD is
rattling (I assume it's your C:\ drive, from where you are booting and
running your system). If so, I would then transfer a minimal bootable
system to one of your other 3 HD's, disable the rattling one and switch
it out with the HD that you just transferred the bootable OS (i.e., make
it the new HD, where you just placed your bootable OS). Then, I would
try it and see if the problem still exists, using that HD. If it does, I
would try using the secondary IDE controller for the bootable HD (I
assume you are using IDE). In this way you might confirm or eliminate
the HD and/or controller as the source of the problem.

I know all of the above is a pain, but it might give you more insight
into your situation.

I hope I helped. Good luck.

H. C. Motin
Sheridan George wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> OK online help desk. This one may be hard to figure out and fix over
> the net but here goes.
> All of a sudden my main computer stops doing its thing about every two
> minutes. This stopped situation lasts for about 15 seconds. During
> that time the hard drive light stays on (one of the 4 drives can be
> heard rattling) and the CPU meter in Warp Center goes to no activity
> (yes, down to nothing). If I'm typing during this time all the
> keystrokes are captured and when the spasm passes all the letters are
> sent to the screen. (Once when I was typing in Star Office it did not
> seem to be affected.) Letters are sent to the screen even when the
> drive is rattling.
> During the condition the courser stops, if I happen to be trying to
> scroll nothing happens on the first mouse click (until the rattle stops)
> but if the mouse is clicked again the Window List box opens.
> I have closed all programs including Warp Center and the HD rattle
> continues every two minutes (timed on a watch). After several hours the
> HD rattle will start coming more often than two minutes.
> Now I know Steven L's first question will be what were you doing when
> this condition started. The standard answer is -- nothing. The problem
> is I didn't relate the stopping to the rattling (it's a quite rattle) of
> the HD for several days because Netscape simply stops on it own from
> time to time. I was only when I realized that it was a regular stopping
> that I started putting things together.
> I think I tried a diagnostic program from Hobbs a week or two before I
> caught on to what was happening. That program was supposed to check out
> my system and report about the CPU, motherboard, accessory boards,
> memory, and such. I didn't think it did much so I discarded it. I do
> not remember its name.
> This machine is home built and has been giving almost faultless service
> for two years. It is running FP10.
> I don't know what questions you need answered to get an idea of what is
> wrong. So, ask away.
> Sheridan
> =====================================================
> To unsubscribe from this list, send an email message
> to "". In the body of the message,
> put the command "unsubscribe scoug-help".
> For problems, contact the list owner at
> "".
> =====================================================


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