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Date: Fri, 9 Mar 2001 23:24:21 PST
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: IDE Tape

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Sandy Shapiro wrote:
> If I put another IDE hard drive in place of
> the tape drive, and I configure it as an HPFS
> drive, will it screw up my OS/2 drive letters?

I assume that your two existing hard drives are on the Primary IDE
channel (one is jumpered as "Master" and the other is jumpered as
"Slave"), and that your existing tape drive is on the Secondary IDE
channel and that there's nothing else on that channel.

In that case, if you remove the tape drive and install a third IDE hard
drive, and if you only create an Extended Partition on the drive, and
then create one or more Logical Partitions inside the Extended
Partition, then your existing drive letters won't change.

There are two ways to mess up your drive letters. First, if you a
Primary partition on the new hard drive the drive letters might get out
of sequence (Primary partitions are given drive letters first, then all
the disks are rescanned and the Logical partitions are given letters).
Second, if by chance you have your tape drive on the Primary IDE channel
as the "Slave" unit and your existing drives are installed and jumpered
as Primary Master and Secondary Master, then if you install the new hard
drive as Primary Slave the drive letters will get out of sequence.

Your first hard drive is almost certainly the Primary Master. If your
second hard drive is on the same cable and the tape drive is on a
different cable with nothing else attached to that cable, then you're
all set.

Since your second hard drive is "just for Linux" it probably has a
partition type which OS/2 doesn't recognize and therefore doesn't
receive an OS/2 drive letter. But someday you might repartition the
drive and add FAT or HPFS, or OS/2 may someday gain Linux disk partition
support. To be safe, make sure your new drive is on the Secondary IDE
channel and is the "Slave" if the Secondary IDE channel already has a
"Master" hard drive.

- Peter


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