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Date: Tue, 5 Jun 2001 22:24:44 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: eComStation

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

Steven Levine wrote:
> Consider the difference in effort required to install
> eCS compared to the work it would take to install Warp4
> and add all the FP's to get you where you are now.

The eCS installation we watched two weeks ago seemed to take about as
much work as a Warp 4 + FP install. Didn't Kim say something about
networking not being "included" - you still run the Warp 4 network
installer, even to get DSL or cable modem support? What do you get that
you don't get with Warp 4 + WarpUp (Duane's $10 CD)?

> The eCS GA should be an even easier install
> and should work direct from the CD.

But Kim said something about the pre-boot screen not supporting SCSI,
which I'm a little concerned about. I have SCSI CD drives -- how am I
supposed to install if the eCS pre-boot only supports IDE/ATAPI?

> You should take a look at the value-add applications.
> There's a lot there if you need what's offered.

The ones Kim mentioned seemed like they were all "lite" versions.
Gwinn's SIO driver (for COM ports) doesn't work with the PCI bus, for
example. Kim said he didn't recommend trying to use the StarOffice
which comes with eCS; he said use the Windows version instead, under
Odin, and he's not supplying the Windows version. Odin itself doesn't
come with eCS. You get the WarpIN installer but that's a free
download. Pillarsoft's Enhanced Editor is included (it's a free
download too) but I've played with it and it still needs some work
(doesn't scroll smoothly like epm, won't print on some systems, hangs on
large files). The big concern that everyone seems to have about the
Lotus stuff is "no support" so I don't see why I should switch to Lotus.

The graphics looked great. Where's the meat?

- Peter


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