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Date: Thu, 21 Jun 2001 10:10:47 PDT
From: "mrakijas" < >
To: < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: The big slow down

Content Type: text/plain

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Okay, so here's the latest...

>mrakijas wrote:
>> OS2.INI is about 1.2MB. OS2SYS.INI is about
>> 550K. Doesn't sound too big, does it?
>Sounds fine.
>> >2) Does OS/2 see all of your RAM?
>> It's only one 128K DIMM. I suppose it could
>> have partially gone bad but wouldn't the
>> failure mode have caused more to gone wrong?
>Depends. I don't know what OS/2 does with a memory failure; the
>motherboard BIOS used to "stop" at the first bad memory address

and use
>everything below it.

The first thing I did was to get theseus. I had a couple of
reasons to follow Steve Carter's suggestion: the current problem
and the trap problem I was working on prior to this. The down
side was that I didn't know what I was looking at. I don't know
more than the basics of computer memory management and theseus
looked like a deluge of information that I would have trouble

The bottom line is that I installed it and the best I could tell,
the working set size was what I needed to look at and that was
reporting "16M" which I took to mean 16MBytes of which 11M was for
the system. Thinking that this was indicating a memory hardware
problem as you suggest, I swapped out with another 128 MB SDRAM
DIMM I had slated for another machine (this was a PC-133 one
rather than the required PC-100 one that was in the machine). It
ran through the BIOS memory check fine just like the original and
led to the same behavior as before, i.e. painfully slow behavior
and theseus reporting a '16M' working set size. Result: I don't
think it's a memory hardware problem.

>I use MEMWATCH, a memory reporting utility with a nice graph that
>updates every second.

I'll check it out to get a clearer picture of memory usage (unless
someone can direct me which piece of information from theseus I
should use.

>If you have a lot of stuff in your Startup folder, try creating a
>temporary folder in Startup and moving the non-essential stuff

into it.
>Then reboot so you don't have the extra stuff running and see if

>system is still sluggish or if it is now responsive.

I'll try it, although I don't think I have very much going on
there. InJoy Dialer/NAT, Screen Saver, TCP/IP-Network startup -
that's pretty much it.

>Let me know what happens. I'm curious if removing your swap

>makes the system responsive again.

I will.

>Finally, one more possibility: Does Netscape start when you boot

No, Netscape starts only on demand.

>- Peter


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