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Date: Sat, 28 Jul 2001 12:26:47 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: UniMaint, etc.

Content Type: text/plain

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Peter Skye wrote:

> What file(s) am I missing that need to be restored from my

I think this has been well covered by others. Let me add another
huge vote
for UNIMAINT, one of the truly indispensable OS/2 app.s. It
should handle all
your (Warp configuration) backup tasks automatically. I've been
running v.
5.10.15 (the next to most recentt CSD) for a long time, and it
has been as close to
bulletproof as software gets. There was an installer change for
the last
CSD, and I didn't want to mess with it unless I got reports that
its reliability
matched that of the ver. I'm running.

If only there was something like UNIMAINT for that other OS . . .
but then,
what with that monstrous Registry and many other critical flaws,
it would still

> Inside the box are the three separate programs, each with a
> Nice package.

The crowd roars ! And consider yourself lucky: almost nothing
these days
still comes with a hardcopy manual (nothin' like it, for those
times when you
can't even access the .PDF or .INF files on your H/D or CD) --
and I think that
includes current purchaseable packages for Graham or UniMaint.

Steven added:

> Peter: the man with way too much uninstalled software.

Well . . . I can't say anything here, because I would probably
place 4th. or
5th. in this category myself, but I hope I have the most
important stuff
installed by now. Most of my uninstalled backlog is d/l'd
Shareware or

> GammaTech is now at v4.0. It's hard to know if the changes are

According to the developer they are. I just hope this stuff
still works
with the 4.5 kernel.

Back to Peter:

> I need a Software Administrator over here. I have _boxes_ of
stuff that
> hasn't even gotten onto the shelves yet (and most of the stuff
on my
> shelves hasn't ever been installed). Somewhere around here I
have an
> uninstalled AutoCAD

If you've got any more primo uninstalled packages like this that
you don't
know what to do with, give me a call. Don't need AutoCAD,



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