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Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2001 19:07:24 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Bad 'Ol NS 4.61 Bug

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

This is a copy of a note I sent to Steve Wendt, who maintains the
NS Communicator for OS/2 BugTracker page, at

Have you experienced this bug ? Comments ?


Hi Steve,

Good to see that the bugtracker page is still maintained.

I'm still using the 7/2000 build of 4.61 (or 8/2000 -- both dates
are mentioned in the .EXE). The updated APAR list did not sound
particularly relevant to me, and I'm waiting to hear from others
before I bother changing to the just released build. I'm running
Warp 4 @ FP-9.

One rather prominent bug that I don't recall seeing on your list,
or in any APAR list, is an old, familiar, and very annoying one.
I choose REPLY for a piece of email I've received, the
Composition window appears, and . . . NOTHING. The Adressee
field remains empty, the Message being replied to is not quoted,
and the Composition Window just sits there: blank, frozen, and
useless. Sometimes it finally gets updated after a minute or
two, sometimes not. If, after a nice long wait, I try to close
the Composition window -- or encourage it to update itself by
clicking *anywhere* -- NS crashes and disappears, with an entry
left in POPUPLOG. Occasionally it will crash anyway, even if no
action is taken.

Of course, each of these occurrences counts against the (still
unfixed) 15 or 16 Open | Close cycles you get before NS
destabilizes the running OS, with a Reboot before that point is
reached being advisable.

I'm 80 % sure that at least a couple other users have confirmed
much the same NS behavior in past conversations I've had on the
subject. You would think that this problem would have been
corrected by now. I just hope it is not carried over into the
code base of the various flavors of Warpzilla / Mozilla, or
whatever they are calling the successor to NS 4.61 for OS/2.


P.S. : Yes, I'm aware that "NS successors" is the tentative
topic for the next meeting. Hope that holds up, as it is an
important one. Also hope we are given the pros & cons for
choosing one over the others.


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