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Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2001 13:10:20 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Weird disk access problem

Content Type: text/plain

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Mark Abramowitz wrote:
> >Does the Tree View open okay when you boot
> >from a different OS/2 partition or from floppy?
> Yes.

I thought the EA's were stored on the drive. If they're stored on the
drive then a boot from any OS/2 partition should respond the same way.

> >I have *heard* that if you have these kinds of
> >problems you should delete (or rename) the Hidden
> >System file named "WP ROOT. SF" and reboot.
> I vaguely recall that this file stores EAs on FAT
> partitions. Is that correct? this is an HPFS drive.

You _should_ have a "WP ROOT. SF" file in the root of your HPFS drives.
The only drives I have which don't have this file are the ones which
I've only accessed from the command line and never from the Workplace
Shell. I just tested -- as soon as I open such a drive using the
Workplace Shell and make some changes to the folders (move some icons
around, sort the contents of a folder) and then close all the folders,
it creates a "WP ROOT. SF" file. Thus, "WP ROOT. SF" apparently holds
at least some of the drive folder's attributes. When I deleted "WP
ROOT. SF" from my test drive, the icons in the folders reverted back to
their "default" positions and sortings.

>From a command line run:

cd \
attrib wp*

and see if you do (it's a System Hidden file). If so and you want to

attrib -s -h "wp root. sf"
dir "wp root. sf" (to verify it's now accessible)
ren "wp root. sf" wproot.saf

then reboot and see if View will now work. If a new "WP ROOT. SF" file
is created, delete it and rename the old one back to "WP ROOT. SF" so
you have all your old folder settings.

When you're all done:

attrib +s +h "wp root. sf"

This _shouldn't_ mess up anything. It works okay here.

- Peter


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