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Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 22:06:06 PDT
From: Benedict G Archer < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Zapping the Crap in Web Pages

Content Type: text/plain

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"J. R. Fox" wrote:
> Benedict G. Archer wrote:
> > I have noticed sometimes. when I've given up, that there's another page
> > with an ad underneath the page I'm waiting for. Is there anything that
> > can be done about such pages in OS/2? And, what's different in W98 that
> > lets the page be tolerated there--even when using Netscape (I think)?
> There are two solutions I have heard of, neither of which I have any personal experience with. There is a version of JunkBusters for OS/2 (ported ?) {caution: the docs made it look fairly complicated to set up, circa about a year ago, the last time I skimmed them}, and something called SUPERCACHE. The latter replaces the NS cache also, once had a straight-up OS/2 version, but is more recently cross-platform Java. From what I gather, you can set them to "eat" ads (and maybe other designated annoyances . . . leaving blank screen real estate where the ad used to be). I think both are Freeware. If you need URLs for these, let
> me know and I'll post them here.
> Jordan

Yes, please do. I'm on the verge of transitioning from an old AMD K6
120 system to something newer running eCS, but even if the new system
loads these pages, I'd go some lengths to blank out at least some of the



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