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Date: Fri, 27 Jul 2001 07:44:01 PDT
From: "Mark Abramowitz" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Weird disk access problem

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

In <>, on 07/26/01
at 03:04 PM, Peter Skye said:

>Tell me more about UniMaint. What can it do?

UniMaint provides a unified suite of utilities designed to allow you to
maintain your OS/2 Workplace Shell, including automated
repair of INI files, facilities for displaying and editing EAs,
Desktop backup and restore, and portable Desktop backups which
allow the user to port the Desktop to another machine or version of

UniMaint also allows you to archive and reinstall applications! It
allows you to move applications from one drive to another without
the need to reinstall the application from the original product disks
or CD-ROM. UniMaint also uninstalls applications. Simply drag
a program object to the Uninstall icon, and UniMaint will delete
program files and directories, remove associated WPS Objects,
delete DLLs, erase CONFIG.SYS entries, eliminate program help files,
and purge OS2.INI file entries. UniMaint will uninstall
OS/2, DOS and WINOS2 applications--even those that were installed
before UniMaint!

Major features include:

Manage Applications:

Uninstall Applications

- Deletes application files and directories.
- Eliminates entries in INI and SYS files.
- Removes associated help files and DLLs.
- Effective on OS/2, DOS and WINOS2 applications.
Archive and Reinstall Applications
- Move applications from directory to directory or drive
to drive.
- Eliminates time-consuming reinstallation from floppy or
CDROM and recustomization.
- Updates system files, including the OS2.INI, WIN.INI and
CONFIG.SYS -- automatically!

Maintain your OS/2 System:

Maintain the OS/2 INI Files, including the OS2.INI and
OS2SYS.INI files, featuring help to decode obscure PM and
WPS entries and utilities to:

- Purge obsolete WPS and file handle entries.
- Remove unused printer entries.
- View and edit INI files.
- Copy or move all or part of an INI file
Maintain your file system's extended attributes (EAs)

- Select a single file, all files in a directory, or all
files and directories on a drive to view or edit EAs.
- Copy, save, split and join EAs between files and
- Test EAs for validity
- Decode complex EA types for easy viewing and editing
EXE/DLL Cross Reference Utility. Scans the system for
references to DLLs in EXE files and other DLLs and builds
a table indicating the references.

View or modify all WPS Settings for all Objects on the
desktop on a global basis

- Display or modify all object settings, both those
presented in the object Settings Notebook as well as many not
included in the OS/2 facility.
- Display or alter settings for the entire Desktop or
specific objects selected using Drag and Drop.
- Select objects using a variety of criteria, including
WPS Class and Title.

Desktop Protection and Portability:

Protect your Desktop with the Desktop Backup facility.

- Maintain a user determined number of generations, each
generation contained in a single file for ease of
- Automatic Backup. Performs the Desktop backup procedure
to occur at specified intervals or when a specified
number of modifications have been made to the Desktop.
Fully customable:

- Add additional files using single filename or wildcards
- Generates CMD files for backup and restore to automate
in batch files or using a scheduler program.
Port your Desktop with the Portable Desktop Backup

- Create an object by object backup of Desktop.
- Move all or part or your Desktop to a different machine
or different version of OS/2.
- Restore the entire Desktop or restore individual
- Saves all WPS object information, including information
that cannot be saved using published WPS methods.
- Automatically adjusts to any new WPS Class, saving all
WPS information for all Objects based on the new
Ease of use features:
- Wizards provide a 'guided tour' through setting up and
performing the most common and popular UniMaint
- Exhaustive Help facility
- Tools Folder
- Fully customable Toolbar

- Mark


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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA

Copyright 2001 the Southern California OS/2 User Group. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.

SCOUG, Warp Expo West, and Warpfest are trademarks of the Southern California OS/2 User Group. OS/2, Workplace Shell, and IBM are registered trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation. All other trademarks remain the property of their respective owners.