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Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 12:20:49 PDT
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: UniMaint, etc.

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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Steven Levine wrote:
> >... maybe The Duck has been "borrowing" my credit cards.
> Blaming an innocent duck sounds like some form of denial to me.

That's okay, The Duck denies that he spends time perusing the contents
of my wallet.

> Perhaps it would be easier to know what
> you own ... rather than disturbing the dust.

You should have _seen_ the dust on top of the second GammaTech box. I
had to use my duckfeather duster. Have you ever had a duster bite you
on the ankle?

I'm trying to set up the UniMaint Desktop backup.

First, "somebody" recommended that I back up the DOCK*.CFG and
SCENTER.CFG files. These aren't specified in the UniMaint manual as
Desktop files. Are they by chance the complete list of
user-customizable control files for WarpCenter (SmartCenter)? I have
dock0.cfg through dock15.cfg but only dock0.cfg has any apparent data,
all the others have a length of 46. Is there a utility which will
display the scenter.cfg and dock*.cfg contents?

UniMaint says to back up SYSTEM.INI, CONTROL.INI and PROGMAN.INI. I
found these in my \OS2\MDOS\WINOS2\ directory. I don't need them,

UniMaint says to back up STARTUP.CMD. I don't have one. What is it?
If I create one with only one line and which says

@echo The Duck

where should I put it?

- Peter


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