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Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2001 16:44:35 PDT
From: Ray Davison < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Killed C drive

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

I have just managed to kill C drive.

C was a little less than 500MB. It contains DRDOS, W95 and System Commander 2000.
The rest of the drive is an extended partition. It is all FAT16. Windows managed
to bloat up and fill the drive. I am going to replace the drive. I have a Power
Quest demo disk that includes Drive Copy, but the disk apparently only runs under
Windows. It does seem to run under WINOS2, but I figured I had better get W95
Functional before I changed anything.

I was attempting to enlarge C using Partition Magic 3.05. I have done this many
times. I had finished shrinking the extended partition and gotten some free space
just above C. I then attempted to resize C. When I took it past about 500MB, the
color changed to the color representing FAT32. That did not seem to make sense, so
I backed it down to where it changed back to the FAT16 color and OK'd the change.
The change seemed to proceed normally until the last process indicator bar - the top
one - was at about 90%. At that point every thing froze.

I can boot the machine from a DRDOS floppy. Norton Commander shows an empty
directory tree, and reports a size of 537MB with 240MB free. Booting from W95
floppy shows drives ABDEFG, no C. Booting from OS/2 disks, I can get a C:\ prompt.
Dir yields: volume label is qo, SYS0318 OSO001.MSG cannot be found for message
0281. System Commander, running under DRDOS, is unable to establish contact with
the drive.

I want to replace the drive, but not right now. I would really like to use this
machine tonight. I have ZIP files of all the partitions. C was made with WINZIP
the rest with OS/2 InfoZip. Of Coarse they are on my server, and I would have to
connect to use them.

Any ideas?



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