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Date: Sun, 11 Feb 2001 07:11:28 PST
From: (Sandy Shapiro)
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: DSL Question

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Thank you very much for the information. That is very helpful.

I want to be able to access the DSL modem both ways. Althought I will be
getting the Linksys router, and using that as a firewall, I need to know
how to access the DSL directly from OS/2.

Can I use In-joy for that? As far as I know, Injoy looks for a dial tone
and then dials a number. If there is a way to use Injoy to talk to the
cable modem, that would make things easy for me.

Can you tell me what to change in TCPIP for each situation: for Injoy and
for Linksys router?

Please let me know if you need more information.


>>At the moment I have a dial-up ISP accessed via In-Joy.

>>I need to know what to change so I will be able to access the DSL modem,
>>which will connect to my LAN card. The DSL ISP uses a dynamic IP address,
>>which is assigned at log-in.

>>I assume something in the TCPIP settings needs to be changed, but I am
>>not sure what.

>It really depends on how you choose to isolate your system from the
>Internet. Are you going to use the Injoy firewall or are you going to
>purchase something like the Linksys router?

>In either case, you will need to enable a TCP/IP interface using the
>TCP/IP Configuration object. The firewall/router will handle the details
>of talking to your ISP's DHCP server.

>>At the present, when I connect to my laptop using peer-to-peer, I use the
>>"logon" command. Do I need to use that to access the DSL modem, or is
>>there a simpler way?

>Peer and TCP/IP do not interoperate. They coexist. With DSL, you will
>always be connected the Internet. You will still have userid's and
>passwords for mail and such. The alway on connection is why a firewall
>of some sort is important.




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P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA

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