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Date: Wed, 14 Feb 2001 23:05:34 PST
From: Tom Brown < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Video card troubles - help needed

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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I have now had 3 video cards fail in this machine, and I'm beginning to suspect the mobo. I wouldn't want to kill your S3 board. Also, I'm hoping to have this
working again a bit sooner than the next Help Desk meeting on 3/4! ASUS is supposed to have released the new K7V133 mobo. I checked with a local store and was
told to call back Thursday (tomorrow) for availability.

If I don't have it fixed by 3/4, I will try to get it to the Help Desk meeting.

Tony Butka wrote:

> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> On Thu, 08 Feb 2001 23:42:54 -0800 (PST), Tom Brown wrote:
> >Several days later, I went to another store and got a different video
> >card, a cheapie variety with a PCI interface. When I put this card into
> >my machine, same story, beeeeeep, no raster.
> >
> Hi Tom -
> Well, there are a few choices. I have a spare PCI S3 card that I can bring if you want to take the machine to the Help Desk and see if it's a mobo problem..
> I know the S3 card works because its a pull that I had working on one of my machines before I got a Matrox, and I'm currently using an S3 PCI card in an
> ABit dual cpu server with WSeB and SciTech drivers. And I recently had an ATI Rage working in another ABit machine (it was an Expert Pro 2000- -- read
> Rage 128) that I picked up at the Pamona show OEM for $61.
> If you can get your money back and want AGP, you could go with a Matrox -- I have both a G400 dual head and an old Millineum 200 working without
> problems.
> Hope this helps,
> Tony Butka
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