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Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 04:25:35 PST
From: "Gary Wong" < >
To: "Tom Brown" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Video card troubles - help needed

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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I'm by no means a hardware expert, but 2 thoughts:

1) How about re-seating everything else (RAM, CPU, cards)
2) Would the motherboard be going bad?

On Thu, 8 Feb 2001 23:42:54 PST, Tom Brown wrote:

>Last year, I built a custom system (see below) which has been working
>just fine for about four months. I have been turning it off at night due
>to the high cost of power. When I turned it on last Saturday, I got one
>long beeeeeeep and no raster on my monitor. I took the ATi Rage card
>back to the place of purchase. They tested it in one of their systems,
>and sure enough, it was bad. The gave me a new one under warranty and
>RMAed the old one. When I got the new card home and put it into the
>machine, I got the same result: one long beeeeeep, no display.
>Several days later, I went to another store and got a different video
>card, a cheapie variety with a PCI interface. When I put this card into
>my machine, same story, beeeeeep, no raster.
>I now figure that I have spent enough money on video cards and I need
>some help.
>Does anyone have an idea as to how to proceed? I obviously can't get to
>the bios or see any error messages that it might be trying to show me.
>Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
>PC Power & Cooling full tower case
>PC P&C Silencer 400 watt power supply
>Abit KT-7 (non-raid) motherboard
>AMD Athlon 900 MHz cpu
>256 MB ECC RAM from Crucial
>ATi Rage 128 AGP video card
>LSI SymBios Sym 21002 Dual Channel SCSI
>10 GB IDE (boot drive w/Boot Manager & Win NT 4.0)
>IBM 9.1 GB SCSI drive
>Plextor 4Plex SCSI CDROM
>Plextor SCSI CDRW
>SCSI tape drive
>IBM 17P 17" monitor
>Warp 4.0 + FP 14
>SciTech Display Doctor Beta 38


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