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Date: Mon, 17 Dec 2001 08:08:46 PST7
From: Steve Carter < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: HPFS SCSI on Windows ?

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
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There _IS_ a way to read HPFS on Win NT4.

Win NT v3.51 read HPFS natively, using a driver called "Pinball.sys".
Directions to mount HPFS under Win NT4 are widely available.

Pinball.Sys is thought to cause corruption on HPFS partitions
larger than 2GB. Try not to write to the disk.

It is widely "known" _NOT_ to work on Win 2000 although
on Hobbes claims to allow HPFS under W2000. It's dated Dec 10, 2001!

A quick Google search turned up these sites (among many, many more)
to visit:

nice, clear directions at:

SCSI is backward compatible. If you follow the SCSI rules,
using a modern super ultra fast host adapter with an old, slow narrow SCSI
drive should be no problem. I presume the old drive is narrow (8-bit) SCSI.
Mixing narrow and wide on the same bus may require special attention
to termination, e.g. terminating the unused 8-bits of the wide bus.


There are 7 different HPFS drivers for DOS on Hobbes.
I realize this is NOT Win NT.


On 12/17/01 , Peter Skye wrote, in part:
>Someone in Europe has just emailed me and asked how to read an old SCSI
>disk formatted in HPFS if he mounts it on a Windows machine:
> "is it possible to mount the SCSI disk formatted to High
> Performance File System to a computer running Windows
> NT or Windows 2000, and this way transfer the files?"
>(The files are old source code for some OS/2 programs.)
>How should he proceed? I don't know what Windows driver(s) he should
>use, and I also don't know if he might have difficulty reading the "old
>SCSI disk" if he connects it to a newer SCSI adapter. >- Peter


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