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Date: Mon, 31 Dec 2001 00:11:58 PST7
From: Peter Skye < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Re: PULSE mod.

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
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> Peter wrote:
> > I'm still running Dallas Pulse.

J. R. Fox wrote:
> Through various posts on the former, ... you [never] actually
> told us exactly how (Step 1, Step 2 . . . ) you arranged this.

Sure I did. See my response to your "more info on WarpCenter display"
message, both from last 12/22.

But I just got back from a long day down in San Diego and I'm grouchy.
If I missed a step, let me know and I'll expand on it.

> In my case, it's academic, since between the stock WarpCentre bar at top of
> screen and the C-A-D Cmdr. bar at bottom of screen, I have all this info displayed and more.

I only needed the small amount of space that's unused on my WarpCenter.
SmartBar gives me a lot of info across the bottom of the screen, but
these days I only start it up if I want to know what task is using most
of the cpu cycles.

> If I want larger, more detailed graphs of system
> activity, I can always pop them up from Graham.
> (TaskMgr., or whatever he calls that.)

Task Manager uses a lot of screen space, iirc.

> Some folks have had little good to say about WC, but --
> aside from how small the icons are -- I rather like it.

I *like* the small icons.

By chance do you have the WarpCenter Icon properties set for tiny icons
rather than just small icons?

-- 1. Right-click on "OS2WARP" in the upper left corner of the screen
and then click on Properties to get the WarpCenter properties.

-- 2. Go to the Display tab if the Properties opens on some other tab.

-- 3. Look in the Icons section of the Display tab. If you want "tiny"
icons, click on Small. If you just want "small" icons, click on Large.

> Whatever replaces it in ECS is going to have to
> be pretty fantastic to induce me to drop WC for it.

eCS *replaces* the WarpCenter?!? I didn't know that.

- Peter


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