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Date: Wed, 15 Aug 2001 10:27:22 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Reply

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.

> >(For example, I've probably had Goran Ivankovic's World Clock here since
> >version .01, a couple years ago, but just finally got around to

Steven Levine wrote:

> It just goes to show everyone's got different needs. I found it extremely
> useful when I was supported clients located worldwide. I beta for Goran a
> little bit of what you see in the current version are my ideas.

Yes. An interesting coincidence . . . but then you seem to Beta test for a lot of
noteworthy stuff. Goran has some nice utilities. In regard to World Clock, my use
for it (so far) has been very occasional at best. Ordinarily, I like digital
displays -- they're compact and to the point. But in this case, I dunno, I guess I
was kinda hoping for something like the array of clocks tuned to different cities,
like you see in many newsrooms. But, in order to be legible, that would take up too
much screen real estate.

> >use for that, but the bank went from actual returned checks to face-up
> >images a long time before this. Is that still worth anything, and if so
> >how would one go about it ?

> Legally, they need to have both sides imaged somewhere. You can request a
> copy. That would get you his bank number.

Thanks for the tip.

> > I'm still a bit leery of hard drives manufactured in the 3rd. world.
> Since roughly 100% of the parts in you computer are going to fit this
> criteria why treat hard drives as a special case?

Well, I take your point, but hard drives are high-precision items with small moving
parts, whose manufacture (at high q.c. levels) would seem to be especially
demanding. Clean rooms, skilled workers, stuff like that. It is one of the
components you want to be as reliable as possible and to last for several years.



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