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Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2001 12:10:48 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: S.D.G. : Are they still around ?

Content Type: text/plain

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At the last meeting, I think it was Steven who suggested I check
out Warpmedia. (We had been talking about MPEG codecs, and how
the built-in Video player(s) for OS/2 were terribly behind the
times. They would not play a lot of clips, crash, or have other

Well, it normally takes a long time for new -- particularly alpha
or beta -- s/w to wend its way through my long "try-out" list.
In this case, I moved Warpmedia up to the head of the line. The
most recent alpha was "06", which is quite a bit later than
anything you'll find on Hobbes or Leo. This was being developed
by something called the Software Developers Guild, in Sweden I
think. The website was

The last time I went there was last May, when I picked up "06."
I've been trying to visit that site again for the last several
days, but it takes forever and then finally the server is not
found. So, first question: anyone know what may have become of
SDG ? (After a few months of mostly encouraging OS/2 news
snippets, things may have started tilting in the other
direction. has just severed its development connection
with 3rd-eye, a sort of successor to the DCITU digital camera

What about Warpmedia, you may ask ? Well, I'd say it shows some
promise, but too tentative and buggy at this stage for anything
beyond experimentation. I tried the well-known DIVX short, "405
- The Movie" and it actually played (!), a first for Warp. But
there was no sound, and this approx. 5 minute short whizzes by in
perhaps 45 seconds, with no apparent way to slow it down. Some
.MPGs and .AVIs don't play at all, and when this happens it
usually locks up the player. You can't kill it from the Task
List either, but the good news is that Ctrl-Alt-Del Commander
*can* kill it, with no residual consequences. Anyway, I hope the
development on this continues.

So, what next ? Guess I'll have to check out PMMPEG, which I
think Steven also mentioned. Is that sitll being updated ?
There was also Main Actor, which I think had video playback, but
it is probably also well behind the curve of today's video
codecs. With that, I would probably be stuck with the demo,
which is apt to have serious limitations.



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