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Date: Mon, 20 Aug 2001 05:23:49 PDT
From: Harry Chris Motin < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Ongoing saga

Content Type: text/plain

If you are responding to someone asking for help who
may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.


I've had similar problems in the past and I've never been able to use
xcopy (with all the right switches) to copy files to a hard drive and
then make it bootable as the end result. It has never worked for me and
I am not sure why (what files did not get copied, etc). The only thing
I've been able to do is use a backup/restore program to fully restore
from a backup. I use BackAgain 2000 workstation, because it has a good
crash recovery system. Also, I backup to a SCSI drive (D drive) and then
restore to an IDE C drive. That way I do not have any IDE translational
problems, if I were to restore to a totally new IDE C drive.

Let I make some suggestions:

1. I believe that the only safe thing for you to now do is reinstall
Warp and rebuild your desktop and setup (I hate to say that!)

2. After you finish the above, please get and use a good backup/restore
program. Test it out to make sure that it backs up and restores
correctly and that you know how to use it to restore on to a clean,
newly formatted drive (and that it does so correctly).

3. Finally, do not make any changes on your system, hardware or
software, without first making a full backup on an independent drive (or

I know the above is not really what you are looking for, but I think it
will help.



mrakijas wrote:
> =====================================================
> If you are responding to someone asking for help who
> may not be a member of this list, be sure to use the
> REPLY TO ALL feature of your email program.
> =====================================================
> This is a follow up to the question I was asking at
> the last SCOUG meeting.
> Quick recap: I'm doing a motherboard upgrade
> underneath an existing Warp 4, FP14 system. Much of
> the system will be the same as before, a few
> components will be changed in the process. None of
> these changes should effect anything but just for
> reference here are the changes: there will be a new
> AGP S3 Trio3D card since the machine is going from
> VLB to PCI (I was going to reload VGA via Alt-F1)
> and a new DLink PCI netcard (which I can change
> after the next reboot). I couldn't even get to the
> white OS/2 blob when booting to the existing hard
> drive.
> Likely problem: Probably a drive geometry/LBA
> translation/FDISK difference from the old MB to the
> new.
> What I've done: I attached another smaller but
> still sufficient hard drive to the system as a
> slave. I booted to floppy, partitioned,
> formatted and "xcopy /h /o /t /s /e /r /v"ed all the
> old files to the new drive. I then SYSINSTX to what
> was then D: and shutdown. I disconnected the
> original drive, reconfigured the new drive as a
> master, reset the CMOS appropriately and rebooted.
> The white OS/2 blob reappeared and the boot process
> began, however, it soon stopped. "OS/2 is unable to
> operate your hard disk. The system is stopped. Fix
> the problem and reboot." or something to similar
> effect. I tried the same thing on the original
> drive (i.e. SYSINSTX to the original drive, reset
> CMOS and rebooted) and got the same result.
> Symptom diagnosis: I Alt-F2'ed to see the driver
> loading sequence and the best I can tell, it gets
> past IBM1S506.ADD and IBMIDECD.FLT but may be
> halting at OS2DASD.DMD or in the similar vicinity.
> Anyone see anything like this or have any ideas?
> Thanks in advance.
> -Rocky
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