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Date: Mon, 13 Aug 2001 20:48:28 PDT
From: "J. R. Fox" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Reply

Content Type: text/plain

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Steven Levine wrote:

> > - Fix Hardware Monitor false alarm of CPU vcore when using old
> >celeron CPU.
> Speaking of this. Have you ever found a temperature monitor that would
> run under OS/2?

Over the last couple years, I've run across at least a couple of these
utilities (for OS/2). Like an awful lot of OS/2 s/w in recent years, they
were perennial Alpha code. Despite that, they were util.s I intended to
investigate at some point, but -- probably because I never had a heat problem
here -- they had a rather low priority on the list. (For example, I've
probably had Goran Ivankovic's World Clock here since version .01, a couple
years ago, but just finally got around to installing it -- an up-to-date
version, however -- like two weeks ago. There is a long list of such s/w, and
I do _eventually_ get around to it.) The one whose name I can recall was
something like ThermoProtect. I can double-check that, if you like.

> >could do 1Ghz. (reliably), I still tend to think he must have been basing
> >that on something. OTOH, he has essentially disappeared with a nice
> >chunk of cash I fronted him, and nothing ever delivered. ;-(
> That just means he's not honest, not that he doesn't know anything. If
> you wrote him a check you might be able to track him down.

Oh, I can confirm that he knew a hell of a lot -- particularly about hardware
and about NT. It occurred to me that the check might be of some use for that,
but the bank went from actual returned checks to face-up images a long time
before this. Is that still worth anything, and if so how would one go about
it ?

> >that sometimes has them. (Retail Box, not OEM.) When available, the
> >going rate seems to fall in the $300. to $350. range, I think. Since
> I would just buy a new MB/CPU/RAM for that price.

That's pretty much what I'm attempting to do. Already have the first two, and
today I found a good discount source for primo-grade memory.

> >Many models of the P-III CPUs were manufactured in the Phillipines or
> >Honduras. Should that be any cause for concern ?
> Only if they don't work. :-) Actually, most everything is built where
> labor is cheapest. As long as the QC is good, you should not be worried.

Let's hope so. I'm still a bit leery of hard drives manufactured in the 3rd.



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