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Date: Fri, 3 Aug 2001 12:35:28 PDT
From: "Steven Levine" < >
Subject: SCOUG-Help: Chip rev. identification for an ASUS mb

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In <>, on 08/03/01
at 10:25 AM, "J. R. Fox" said:

>I'm hoping we have some readers here who are well up on hardware topics,
>otherwise I may have to take this to the h/w forum on Compuserve or
>(shudder) the noisegroups.

I would suggest the os2hardware list at

>If anyone has worked with the ASUS P3B-F, I'm trying to confirm that it

I happen to be typing on one.

>can accomodate an Intel P-3 1Ghz. CPU. The Spec.s on the ASUS site

Don't know. Mine is older and the manual only specs it up to 550mHz which
was the fastest PIII available when I bought the board.

>appear to be insufficient, incomplete, or possibly not up to date.

Getting specs on out of production boards is always a challenge.

> the P3B-F motherboard will only support up to PIII 800 BUT if you turn
>the dip switches
> off and put the JEN on 2,3 then there is a good chance that you can
>run the PIII 1 GIG slot
> 1/100 mhz. This is per the technician from Asus.

Filed for future reference.

>I am not much of a gambler, though, so a "good chance" is
>probably not good enough. (What's a JEN ?)

It's the Jumper Free Enable jumper. 2-3 is the default.

>is rev. 1.04). Is there some way to determine which 440BX chip rev. is

It should be marked on the chip.

>on this board ? (Don't say something like a SCANPCI util. -- I'm not

I don't think that will work. My scanpci listing does not show any
version information. However, pciexe reports that the 440BX is revision
3, FWIW.

>notice anything on the chip itself, but maybe I need to look at it with a
>magnifying glass . . . .

I would need a strong light and a microscope.

>*Someone* has been down this road before, and knows the answer.

How much is a 1Gz slot 1 chip going to cost you?


"Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.28a #10183 Warp4/FP11 #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)


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