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Date: Sun, 28 Mar 2004 13:52:37 PST8PDT,4,1,0,3600,10,-1,0,7200,3600
From: Colin Campbell < >
Subject: SCOUG-General: eCS Application Pack Upgrade

Content Type: text/plain

I never did get the Application Pack, either, but would like to. Last
Saturday, I asked Steven Levine if he knew anything about Kim, and he
said it was his (Steven's) understanding that Kim had returned to China
to care for his parents.

I haven't seen a post on an OS/2 or eCS newgroup from Kim in many
months. I admit that I have not tried to contact him by e-mail. I
figured that since he had our e-mail addresses due to our eCS 1.1
purchases last May, we'd hear from Kim.

I believe we'll probably end up either purchasing the Application Pack
individually, or perhaps trying as a group to make a deal with Serenity

Does anyone think we might be successful making a group buy? (It would
be nice to save a few bucks, but I'd pay full price. I do think a group
buy could be useful to keep SCOUG prominent as a group of dedicated OS/2
users that Serenity should "remember" at important times, such as
product introductions.)
Colin Campbell

Tony Steczkowski wrote:

> I attended last May's presentation by Kim of eCS 1.1 and purchased
> it. I also wanted to purchase the eCS Application Pack upgrade but he
> didn't have any left and said to contact him. I've tried numerous
> time to contact him about this and at one point he indicated that he
> was working out the bugs to get to the SCOUG members that wanted it.
> I haven't heard anything since and have tried to find out about
> getting it with no response from Kim.
> Was anyone at the presentation that wanted the eCS Application Pack
> upgrade from Kim, able to purchase it from him? If so, how was that
> accomplished? Thanks..............Tony


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