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March |
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Thanks for the input!
--- Steven Levine wrote:
> In <20030310202322.80451.qmail@web11504.mail.yahoo.com>,
> on 03/10/03
> at 12:22 PM, Aaron Rogers said:
> >at the meeting, I asked a couple about how I could go
> about
> >getting a copy of eCommStation or WSeB. I am fairly new
> to
> >OS/2 and so haven't gotten a chance to try out eCS or
> WSeB.
> > I would really like to! I'm not interested in pirating
> >the software, I would just like to try it out for my own
> >use at home. Are there demo versions or time limited
> >versions of either product available? Do any of you
> have
> >such a thing?
> There was an eCS demo, but I'm not sure if it is still
> available or where
> it would be available from.
> There is no WSeB demo. At one time, copies of WSeB were
> available
> relatively inexpensively from IBM's Developer's Toolbox.
> This is no long
> the case.
> In terms how they differ from your current Warp4, eCS is
> Warp4 MCP (Merlin
> Convenience Pak) with a redesigned Desktop and a number
> of bundled
> add-ins. The basic functionality is that of Warp4.
> Because it's based on
> MCP, it include never versions of the various Warp
> componenet than what
> you can get for Warp4. Most of the add-ins are available
> from Hobbes and
> elsewhere.
> WSeB is Warp4 builded with all the typical server-class
> components. You
> can get a feel for what the WSeB service provide from the
> Peer services
> you have with Warp4. The biggest difference in how it
> works is that the
> WSeB is a domain controller, so the resources are
> centrally managed.
> Steven
> --
> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.35
> #10183 Warp4/FP15/14.085_W4
> www.scoug.com irc.webbnet.org #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
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