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Date: Mon, 6 May 2002 14:01:09 PST7
From: Ray Davison < >
Subject: SCOUG-General: Desktop restore

Content Type: text/plain

Steven Levine wrote:
> That's odd. If you are zipping an image when the boot partition is not
> active, you should get an exact image.

And that could very well be the problem. The two machines that restore
OK are my WEB access and file storage. Those very seldom change. Those
backups were made back when the subject was fresh and I was more
careful. Now it is just run a CMD. I may very well have run it on an
active boot partition. Time to put a warning in the CMD.

> Warts and all. What version of
> zip are you using to do the save and restore? Under what OS? Since your
> boot partition is FAT, you do need to unzip to a clear partition so that
> "WP DATA. SF" gets built correctly.
I boot, format and run an unzip CMD from floppy.
> >For a long time I used the desktop backup in Performance Plus but the
> >first time I needed it it failed so I quit that.
> That's odd. I've not heard that complaint before.
Maybe I'll try it again.




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