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Dallas wrote:
> Anyone interested in participating in a SCOUG sponsered
> road trip to Fry's (Anaheim) after the meeting,
> give me notice at this e-mail address.
> Let me know if you want to go before/instead/after
> a lunch meeting.
> This is an idea I had after meeting 3 other members
> while on the way into Fry's after the last meeting,
> and I thought it might be a fun/usefull UG activity.
Make it Micro Centre instead, and you got a deal. (I have a
rather low opinion of Frys.) Standing offer -- doesn't have
to be this next particular meeting.
Apropos of this, is anyone familiar with electronic A/B printer
switches that may be on the market now ? (Note to Steve Carter:
yes, this does have something to do with the folks I could not
sell on the idea of network printing.) I had heard, some years
back, that mechanical switches were a very bad idea for laser
printers, but that electronic ones would avoid harmful surges.
Models ? Approx. price ?
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