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i'd recommend responding to the IRS and tell them that SCOUG
intended to get exempt status, SCOUG has at all times, acted as
an exempt organization, and that SCOUG will take all steps
necessary to complete its exempt application. most importantly,
ask for a hold on the taxes/penalties/interest until the final
determination is reached.
if you have your CA franchise tax board determination letter,
send that in as proof that you intended to be a tax exempt
organization. if you don't have your CA FTB determination
letter, then apply for it ASAP.
On Sat, 24 Mar 2001 11:55:00 -0800 (PST), Mark Abramowitz wrote:
>In , on 03/24/01
> at 01:43 AM, Ta^m Tha`nh Nguye^~n said:
>>I was just so horrified when I first heard such a news that SCOUG has
>>assumed its tax status all this time.
>At one time, the IRS had told us they expected to shortly issue our tax
>status - that's what we were told. Then our records disappeared....
>That was well over a year ago, though.
>>If I may input, my first priority would be to EXHAUST all of SCOUG's
>>fund in paying IRS back taxes and penalties immediately before even plan
>>out anything else.
>All things being equal, that might be the best course of action to follow.
>However, when you get you 501(c)(3) status, the IRS can issue it
>retroactive. If that were to happen to us, it would solve a number of
>problems and lots of money, too.
>- Mark
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