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Video Time
It's time for SCOUG to get off its complacent chair
cushion and drag itself into the new video century.
We need videos. Videos of General Meeting presentations,
videos of GIGs and SIGs, videos of some of the most
interesting presentations at the upcoming Warp Expo West
SCOUG already has a video library. Visionary member Dave
Watson has lugged his equipment to the SCOUG meeting site
occasionally and recorded the show. He also kept his
cameras busy at the first Warp Expo West.
Sadly, that treasure trove of knowledge hasn't excited our
Board. Nor has the idea of recording SCOUG activities. Nor
has the idea of sharing any such videos with members who
can't attend a meeting, or any OS/2 users throughout
Southern California who might be enticed to join SCOUG if
they could just see what we do.
SCOUG Board, wake up. It's video time. Use a bit of that
$19,000 you've been entrusted with to set up two televisions
and vcrs at every SCOUG meeting so members can quickly
review what tapes are available. Choose a couple of
the best and offer them throughout the rest of Southern
California. Put some teasers (Hollywood calls them
"trailers") on the Internet. And thank Dave Watson for
taking the initiative and having the vision to start this
project to begin with.
OS/2 users need videos. SCOUG can provide those videos.
Let's go.
Editorial writer: Peter Skye
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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
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