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Try MemoSun. It's the back door (literally) to Kingston. Call 714-424-3900 to
place your order with will call. Then go to 17665A Newhope St. It's the rear
loading dock of the Kingston plant. Pay via credit card or exact change cash.
They should have everything that Kingston makes in stock!
Tom Brown
Ta^m Tha`nh Nguye^~n wrote:
> Would anyone spot any Kingston Bootable Room Network Card around here in
> Orange County?
> I am trying to look for one but got all confused by and
> not sure any of those has boot room so I'd better get some from local
> stores instead.
> Thanks
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> Date: Mon, 12 Feb 2001 00:13:41 PST
> From: Steven Levine
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: SCOUG-General: eCom Station
> In <>, on 02/11/01
> at 10:21 PM, said:
> >First, since eComStation is an upgrade for Warp4, I assume it is just
> >installed over the existing software. Since I am already running FP14,
> Like all major upgrades (i.e Warp3 to Warp4), YMMV with an upgrade
> install. My understanding is while an upgrade install of eCS is possible,
> Serenity is not really supporting this and recommends a fresh install.
> Also, there are really two installer's available. The original IBM
> installer and an eCS developed installer. Each offers different options
> and capabilities.
> >it looks like I will get a the new verxion of TCP, Daniella's software,
> >Lotus, and many other things like USB and scanning drivers. Am I
> >correct?
> Yes, this is true. You get everything you would get with the Software
> Choice MCP, plus the eCS extras. The packaging is different and the
> handling of future Software Choice features is different as is Program
> Support. You have to understand the benefits of each offering before
> choosing between SWC and eCS.
> >Second, why did Serenity stop at FP 14 when 15 makes it possible for Odin
> >to run Word? Or is kernel 4.5 which comes with eComStation the part of
> >15 that makes that possible? Or will the equivalent of FP15 be one of
> >Serrenity's upgrades? I saw an Irv Spalten post somewhere that said the
> >Merlin Convenience Pack is at the FP15 level?
> MCP is basically FP15 plus or minus some fixes. The eCS preview is close
> the MCP. The eCS GA will be MCP plus fixes. Serenity did not stop in the
> sense that you are using the word. They choose to release a preview
> edition, which is effectively a beta, before either FP15 or the MCP GA was
> available. Note that future FP's for MCP and eCS will begin a new FP
> series that will be available to SWC subscribers and to eCS users, if they
> purchase Upgrade Protection. FP16 and so on will apply only to Warp4 and
> will not be freeely available. I doubt they will be available via SWC.
> I'm not quite sure what you mean when you refer to FP15 making it possible
> for Odin to run Word. Odin has been able to run Word, to some extent, for
> a while. As missing parts are added to Odin, more of Word will run as
> time goes on. TTBOMK, there's nothing specific in FP15 to support Odin.
> However, IBM has been assisting the Odin team and making some library code
> available which allows Odin to run better in general. This code is
> distributed as part of Odin.
> >Finally, how did Serenity Systems get into the position where it is
> >competing with IBM so far as new OS/2 installations and upgrades are
> >concerned? How large a company is it? What are the chances it will be
> >around in two years?
> Serenity has been an IBM OEM for years. They use OS/2 in various turnkey
> systems they build. It appears that IBM believes enough in their
> stability and ability to deliever a product to enter into this
> relationship. As to whether or not they will survive, it's hard to
> predict the future. However, IMO, worst case, if they don't make it, SWC
> may still be available.
> I suggest you review the information on their web site and also the
> information on Indelible Blues web site. eCS will only be available
> through resellers, so you need to understand how the reseller is packaging
> the product.
> HTH,
> Steven
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
> "Steven Levine" MR2/ICE 2.21 #10183 Warp4/FP11
> #scoug (Wed 7pm PST)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------
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