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The Board Awaits You Saturday
This Saturday is General Meeting day, and it's a perfect
day for a personal one-on-one chat. You and a SCOUG Board
It's the perfect day to walk up to Board member Gary Wong,
Sheridan George or Melanie Chernoy and say "What's up?"
Amble over to Terry Warren, Steve Schiffman or John Hlavac
and ask "How can SCOUG give more value to its members?"
Make eye contact with Steven Levine, Dallas Legan or Charles
Schreiber and say "I have some ideas -- can you help get
them started?"
Nine SCOUG Board members, each wanting to help expand
SCOUG and ready to listen to your thoughts.
So this Saturday, at the SCOUG General Meeting, find a
Board member and brainstorm for a minute about the future.
Pass along your thoughts, your interests, your needs, and
put the Board to work on creating more services for members
and more exposure for OS/2.
Reminder: General meetings are now at Regal Lanes. See:
Editorial writer: Peter Skye
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The Southern California OS/2 User Group
P.O. Box 26904
Santa Ana, CA 92799-6904, USA
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